Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mommy Holds Reagan

Getting Ready to Kangaroo with Mom- What a tangled mess.

Here I Come!

"Kangaroo Care" Skin to Skin with Mom

Cuddle Time and I'm Not Letting Go

Three Generations-(Where's Reagan?)


The Knipps said...

AWWWWW!!! I am so glad she did well with Kangaroo care! Amy you look so darn happy!!!! :) Everytime I see those little hands holding onto someone's finger it makes my heart skip a beat! There is no other site as precious!! Grow baby girl grow!! I am so glad that her lungs did so well! What an awesome job Miss Reagan!

Our thoughts and prayers are always with you guys!

The Knipps said...

OH and I am liking that Game Day Central t-shirt! :)

Valerie said...

Awww! I love the new pictures! Amy, you look so happy & so proud of your beautiful daughter. You all are in my prayers daily. Hope you all have a great week!


melhprice said...


Little Reagan is so adorable! I am so glad you were able to hold her and that she is doing so well! I can't believe she is almost 2 weeks old--what a fighter! I was thrilled to hear that her cranial ultrasound was normal! Give Reagan hugs and kisses from the FMC NICU staff--we love you and are praying for you!

Take care,
Melissa Price

Maria Ines said...

This pictures are so cute!! I am really happy she is doing better!
Amy and Connie you both look really good.

Anonymous said...

Go Reagan Go!!!!! You are both heroic in your efforts and Reagan can feel it!!!! GOD will provide and GOD does provide...She is amazing and I wish you all the hope in the world...Your neighbors!!! Adam and Chas

Unknown said...

The new pictures are great! Reagan is so precious! We are all praying for the lungs to develop and for her to grow stronger.

The Jarrett's

Sandra said...

You look so happy. Nana looks happy also.I can't see Reagan's face I know she has a big smile....