Wednesday, March 12, 2008

4 Good Days in a Row!!!

Dear Friends,
Dad here again...I hope you aren't tired of me yet. Reagan had another great day today and I have no doubt that it was due to the prayers that are being said for her. Reagan got a new line on Wednesday through her arm that provides nourishment to her body and that went well. She needed this as the tube that went in through her belly button needed to come out to reduce the risk of infection. Anyway, that went quite well and her day ended with lots of her favorite visitors stopping by to say hello. Have I told you we are thankful for you all? Well, we are! Every day it seems that I hear from someone new that has heard about baby Reagan and has been praying. One little fellow (Nolan) from church even took a picture of Baby Reagan to hang up in his classroom so that his friends could pray for Baby Reagan. Another little boy prays for baby "Raggin", and yet another child and her mother prayed for Reagan on the way to school. It blesses me to know how much the children care as well as the adults. I have also received emails from people that know me through a friend of a friend of a friend. Those have been encouraging as it shows me that there must be literally tens of thousands of people praying. It is amazing to me how good God is to us. As you are praying for Reagan, I ask that you will specifically pray for supernatural help with the development of her lungs. That seems to be her biggest obstacle at present. "Ask and you shall receive."

One thing that God is doing for Amy and I through this is helping us be more comfortable praying with each other. We had never really prayed together on a regular basis until this happened to us. Now we pray together every day, sometimes several times and we believe that God will answer our prayers. It is something that I plan to implement into our daily lives, even after this ordeal is complete. I'm not sure why we didn't use to pray together, but for whatever reason, it seemed a little uncomfortable. I hope that you can take our experience and pray with your spouse about all the things that are going on in your lives. I think that you will get the same blessing that we have received. It's interesting to me how God is using a child that can't even talk to change, shape, and mold our lives. On a much larger spiritual scale, God used another child (Jesus) to change the world as well as our hearts and that is what gives us hope for the future with Baby Reagan. I am grateful for that hope and pray that it is in your heart as well!

Go Reagan!!!

Love to all,

Robert and Amy


bruffner88 said...

Robert and Amy,
I find it interesting that you two and come together and started to pray together since Reagan was born. The reason I find this interesting is because since Matt and I have moved to Mississippi we have faced many obstacles with Matt's job and being 12 hours away from friends and family. There have been many negative things it seems since we have moved, but one positive thing is that we pray together. Matt has begun to pray on a regular basis which is very important because before he didn't pray much except for meals since his sister passed away 7 yrs ago, he didn't feel like it was worth it basically. I just want to say that Matt and I are still praying for Reagan and you both. I think it is great that yaw have experienced the obstacle of praying together, because before we felt the same way.

Bethany Ruffner

iva welton said...

I just want you to know again how much I enjoy your daily blogs. They are so encouraging. Glad to hear Reagan is doing good. Can't wait to finally meet her. Praying for you all. Love you.

Stephanie Cooke said...

Robert and Amy,
We just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful baby girl! Reagan is such a wonderful blessing and gift from God and we are praying for all of you. Thank you for sharing her progress on your blog site. She is a remarkable little girl! We love you!
Greg & Stephanie Cooke & Blake Sims

Anonymous said...

Do you guys even realize just how much of a blessing you are? You absolutaly amaze me!!! I want you to know that we are still praying for you and baby Reagan.(several times a day!) She is so darling! I can't wait to see her in person! Thank God for these 4 good days! That in itself is amazing! Keep encouraged. I know it can't be easy.
Lots of love, Matt and Judith
Love, Matt and Judith

The Knipps said...

I am so glad that you 2 have been blessed with the ability to have such a great perspective in such an unbelievably difficult situation. You 2 are just awesome! I will make sure to add the specific request of Reagan's little lungs to my prayers. I know I have never prayed as much as I do right now. Anytime your sweet litlte girl or you and Amy run through my mind (which is a lot!), I pray. It is pretty obvious that God has a big plan for your baby girl. Praise God for another great day!! Go Reagan go! :)

The Gordons said...

Amy and Robert,
I'm so glad that Reagan is growing stronger. You can see it in her pictures. Jeff said its good shes taking after Amy. She is so beautiful. We will continue to pray daily for your family.
The Gordons

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your updates. Thanks for sharing. We are headed north but will keep checking the blog and praying! Love ya'll! Aunt Mim

Valerie said...

I have to agree with Iva, these daily blogs are so encouraging.

So glad that Regan is having several good days in a row! We will remember to be praying for her lungs & ask God to strengthen them more & more every day & will continue to pray for you & Amy!

Valerie & Jason

Unknown said...

Reagan, Robert and Amy,
I am truly blessed as well as moved to tears on a number of occasions as I sit here and read your blogs. Much like Sandy I am reminded of the kind of people you all are by how you have responded to one of the most difficult situations a person can be given in life. I absolutely love the updates and pictures etc., but I am also deeply touched when I see how God is using little Reagan even though she's only a little bit over a week old to minister to SO many people.
Here are some accomplishments I've noticed that Reagan can already put on her resume after a mere 1 week of life:

1. Strengthened the spiritual/marital bond of my parents.

2. Significantly increased the prayer life of my entire church as well as many other churches nationwide.

3. Encouraged many of my closest friends to deepen their relationship with God.

4. Taught a lesson on prayer to an entire pre-school class.

5. Coached swimming lessons

6. Served as a prayer guide to numerous children under the age of 5, teaching them invaluable life lessons.

7. Reminded countless people to "count there blessings and name them one by one."

8. Served as a volunteer and morale booster at two different major medical centers.

9. Counseled many people on the topic of "Let go, let God..."

10. Coordinated community efforts on awareness not to be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

He really does work in mysterious ways. Many of us have spent a lifetime trying to accomplish what Reagan has done in little over a weeks time! The strength and encouragement that I have received (even being far away) certainly pales in comparison to the blessing she has been to all of her family that have already spent so much time with her. It is amazing how much I can love a little girl that I've never even met! I'm certainly praying for you all daily and I love all of you very much!

(Amy did you get my text?)