Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Update

Dear Friends and Family,
Reagan has had a fairly good weekend. After being placed back on the vent. her blood gasses have not been as good as before. The doctors thought she might have early signs of pneumonia so they ordered some blood work yesterday. Everything came back normal; no elevated white blood cell count or CRP. The NNP taking care of her heard a murmur so today they did another ECHO of her heart and she has a moderate PDA. They are treating this with medication so please pray that the medication will work without any side effects and we can avoid surgery. Overall she is doing very well. The doctors are attributing the bad blood gasses to her PDA and have ruled out pneumonia so for this we are very thankful. She was doing very well with her feeds but they are holding them for the next couple days while she is being treated for her PDA. She is still 1 pound and 9 ounces! I was able to hold her again today for 2 hours and she did great!!!!! This has quickly become the highlight of my days! I don't know what feels better than holding your child close to your heart and feel her breathing and wiggling around. Everyday has been such a blessing to share with Reagan. I can't wait for the day we can bring her home and share her with our friends and family.
Thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Some say she is doing well by coincidence but I believe she is doing so well because she is in our Heavenly Fathers Hands. There is no one who can take care of her better than God. He is hearing and answering our prayers so please keep praying. We love you and are so thankful for all caring remarks and prayers.
May God Bless!
Amy and Robert


iva welton said...

I'm so glad you are getting to hold little Reagan. Your right there is nothing better than holding your baby. It was so good to finally see Reagan. I think Dave is still so amazed by her size. I pray God will continue to help baby Reagan and give you and Robert strength. Love you.

Thee N Gene said...

It is so good to hear the good news on Reagan. I think of her all times of the day and night and constantly say a prayer for her and you and Robert. It is so good to see your trust and faith in are right...HE is the one holding her in His hands and helping her daily. We can't understand it all but we know He is in control, and it is my prayer that HIS will be done.
Love you all Bunches...Aunt Thee

The Knipps said...

Aww I am so glad you get to hug your baby girl now!! I am sure she loves it too. I will be praying hard for those meds to do the trick for Reagan. Thanks for keeping us all updated.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful little girl she is amazing! I had a friend whos little girl was 3 lbs at birth and is a bouncing healthy four year old stinker now!:) Give her lots and lots of loving form all us Etsiers!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey baby girl, I LOVE you all so much and am praying constantly for your renewed strength and help in a very present time of trouble. It is wonderful to see how God is hearing and answering prayer. I am so proud of you and Robert and of course baby Reagan too. Hang in there! I just love to sit by baby Reagans isolet and just watch her. She is so perfect in so many ways and they just don't come any cuter! Love you all!!! XOXOXO

Edna said...

IT is so absolutely precious to see you and your little bundle of Joy. Such a prettly little darling. And Amy, I know it felt so good to have her soft skin next to yours. It just brings tears in my eyes to see what God has done.
It is marvelous!

Love you

Martha Studebaker said...

Nick and I were just reading the blog and looking at the pictures. I love the one with her feet in the air and her eyes open. I agree there is nothing like holding your baby close. I am so happy that you are able to hold her. God is so good. We are praying for you all and we think of you all the time. Love ya, The Studebakers

Nina Rose said...

Dear Amy,
I am so happy that you get to hold your little girl now. I can't even imagine how wonderful it makes you feel.We are praying that God will continue to touch her body every day and help her to grow strong.
Love you,
Nina Rose

Unknown said...

Robert and Amy,
Reagan is so precious! As a mother, I know what it means to be able to hold your child. I am so graateful you are able to engage in kangaroo care for you both.
We are lifting you and little Reagan up in prayer many, many times each day. Your commitment to God is a testimony touching countless people. Thank you for allowing others to witness your vulnerability and faith in the Lord. May His righteous right hand continue to uphold you all,and may you encounter his faithfulness every step of the way. Much love, Jamie and Carla Jones

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I am praying for you guys and baby reagan. I also wanted to send some encouragement. My daugher, Emily was born on 9/11/06 weighing 1lb 2 oz at 23 weeks. The doctors gave us little hope and with all the issues that soon arised that hope diminished. They told us when she was 13 days old that barring a miracle she had hours to days left. Good thing for us that God is in the miracle business and answering prayers every minute. We just stayed by her side and refused to believe any other outcome that a good one. They told us over and over that due to her badly scarred lungs she would probably never make it. Well, she did. She is currently 18 months old and at home bringing us more joy than we have ever know. Hang in there. Just keep lifting up those prayers of faith and believing in the power of our God almighty. He is the ultimate healer. I know the road may be long and bumpy, but know that it is certainly going to be worth every little step one day. I wish you all the best. If you ever need any advice or just encouragement feel free to email me. I can also send you some pics of Emily if you would like. I'll keep Reagan in my prayers.


Holly said...
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Holly said...

Two weeks old today - you go Reagan!! What a mighty God we serve! You hang in there Miss Reagan and know that your Aunt Holly and Uncle David are praying for you (and your Mom and Dad) all the time!

Amy, I'm so happy you got to hold her again - Praise the Lord! I know it gives both of you strength!

We love you all so much!


Anonymous said...

Dear Robert & Amy:

I haven't posted here yet, (since I've been so very privileged to get to actually be there at the hosp. with you, and talk/pray/be with Reagan in person, day by day), but since there's sickness in our houselhold, and I'm "stayin' away" for a couple days --- just wanted you to know that our prayers are still continuing to ascend, and GOD is hearing & answering. Your comment about Reagan being in HIS hands sure brought the tears. A pastor couldn't have better parishioners than you 3! (Yesterday, prayer time with just Reagan alone, while you were out for a few minutes, was REALLY special to me). We love you all SO much!!
Pastor Dan