Saturday, March 8, 2008

4 Days Old and Doing Great!!!

Dear Friends and Family,
Reagan had another great day today, Saturday March 8th. She accomplished a lot of first today. She opened one of her eyes and is trying very hard with the second. She had her first very tiny dirty diaper! They started her feeds yesterday and doubled them today. She is getting 0.6ml per hour for you nurses. There is 5 mls in a teaspoon if that helps. She is doing well with heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen. The doctors thought about taking her off her ventilator today but I, being a worried mom/nurse, talked them into giving her another day to rest. If she continues to due this well throughout the night they will put her on CPAP tomorrow. Yesterday they stopped her bili light so she no longer has to wear the shades.
God has been so good to us and Reagan. I know He hears all the prayers being said. Thanks so much for continuing to pray for us. We look forward to giving you more positive updates!


Donna Barber said...

Amy, My prayers are with you and your family. I was shocked to come in and find out you had delivered. I was interested to see how big she is cause you were so small. Where were you hiding her? You know if you need ANYTHING at all you can contact the unit or me personally. I hope you guys can get back here soon so we can watch Reagan's progress and be better able to support you and your husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I do believe God was trying to prepare you in Sunday school that Sunday. Remember - He will not put anything on you that you and him together can not handle.

Kristie said...

Amy way to speak up and give her another day to rest from everything that happened in one day. And that is wonderful that you can see one little eye so far looking back at you. She is beautiful! She is in my prayers everyday. Guys remember if you need anything let me know! And Jon has his family praying for little Reagan also- he wanted me to let you know.

Deb said...

Robert, Amy and Baby Reagan, We are continuing to pray for you. Thanks so much for keeping us updated in her progress.
Debbie and Bob

Meme said...

"Nana" and "Meme" were invited to go with Amy and Robert to the ultra-sound when it was determined that this baby was "Reagan Olivia". As I gazed in wonder at images of the profile of her face, the vertebrae in her spine and Reagan's tiny finger held up as if to say, "I'm your #1 child!", I thought of the words of Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV) "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

We pray that Reagan will grow as God has planned so that she can fulfill God's purpose in His creation. It is comforting to know that God knows her inside and out!

Amy and Robert, we thank God for Reagan and are blessed to watch you standing strong in adversity. We are so grateful for caring friends, relatives, and "friends of friends" who are joining us on this journey, as we attempt to faithfully trust God's providence for each minute of the coming days.

Much love,
Meme and Papa Winslow

Kelly J. said...

Hey Amy and Robert,
We are all thinking about you guys everyday. Little Reagan is in everyone's heart. Keep us updated. Call me if you need me.