Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2 Weeks Old Today!!!!!!!!

Dear Friends,
Thank you all so much, once again, for continuing to pray for Reagan, Amy, and myself, as this is a very emotional journey and we are grateful for all the prayers that are being said on our behalf. Starting early this morning, Reagan began having trouble with her Oxygen levels again. I'll keep the medical terminology to a minimum as I don't know it as well as Amy. Basically, God created babies to be able to "breathe" in the mother's womb as you all know. He created a valve in their heart so that while they are growing inside mommy, their blood gets oxygenated through this valve. Normally, this valve closes almost immediately after birth as the baby starts to use it's lungs in a more normal manner. God sure didn't forget any details as to how He wanted to give us each life did He?!. This little problem that Reagan is having further solidifies to me that we were CREATED. Something so intricate could not have just "happened." Reagan's PDA as it is called, has not closed yet (although we have faith that God is helping this problem as we speak) and she is now receiving medicine to help it close. Please be praying that the medicine works immediately. She will be having an echo cardiogram on Wednesday to see if the medicine is working and if the valve is closing. If the medicine does not take effect quickly, then she will have to undergo surgery to close it. Let's all target our faith that God will help to close this valve immediately without surgery! Whatever happens, we will trust Him. As a side note about the heart surgery that she would have to have if the PDA does not close on it's own, the doctor here apparently was the doctor or one of the doctors that pioneered this surgery. I feel that we are in good hands with the Doctors here and even better hands holding us from above.

I do want to be honest and open about this whole process and feel that it will help you to pray if Amy and I open up to you on a personal level to let you know how we are doing. I have started feeling a bit tired and somewhat frazzled (if that is a word) yet I still have peace about the outcome. Amy is doing pretty well but seems to be concerned a lot of the time. Basically, she knows "too much" about what could happen over the next 8+ weeks. Pray that we will be able to remember that God is in control EVERY time a doubt enters one of our minds. We try to refocus together to remember that the same hands that created the world created Reagan and He knows every intricate detail of her being. He knows what will happen with Reagan each day and we are glad that He is in control.

From a faith perspective, my faith has never been tried as it has during this process. I am sure that Amy feels the same way. Thanks to all teachers, pastors, friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family, and especially to our parents for helping to saturate our lives from an early age with Faith in God so that we would be prepared for times like these. God is giving us each enough to get through each day. In general, I am not a very patient person. At times, I have to sit back when I am wondering what God is doing and tell myself that no matter what the circumstances, He is in control. For someone that is used to handling things by myself, it is hard for me to do that, but I am learning. I tell you all that to give you the next couple of things that we could really use help praying about. So, here goes...

1. Pray for Reagan's PDA to close without surgery and for her oxygen levels to stabilize.
2. Pray that no sickness will enter any of our bodies.
3. Pray for continued strength for Amy and I as our lives seem to be in a state of upheaval. God is constant and we hold firmly to that.
4. Pray for Amy, she continues to have bad dreams at night and I know that God can take them away. It is hard to be so emotionally drained at the end of the day and then to wake up the next day after a night of bad dreams. I ask God to take those bad dreams away right now and to give her rest (He promised to "give rest to the weary" and we claim that promise right now!)
5. Pray that souls will be effected for eternity and lives will be changed throughout this process.

We love you all dearly. At some point, I am going to try to set up a web page where people that view this site can type their name in so that Reagan will have a list of all the people that are helping to keep her lifted up!!! (Not to put you on the spot David Winslow). More pics coming soon! She is getting cuter every day!

Thanks to everyone for what you have done for us!

Go Reagan, Go!!!


Robert and Amy


Holly said...
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Holly said...

I am moved by the faith, openness and love from you guys every time I read an updated on Baby Reagan!

I pray constantly that the Lord will continue to be the Great Physician, your Comforter, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

You can be sure we'll be praying!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you guys! What wonderful parents you are already!!! God is so good! We will pray earnestly for those specific requests you have mentioned. Truly our God is an Awesome God!!! Hang in there children! The best is yet to come! I love you so!

Papa Dave said...

Robert and Amy I just want to tell you how proud I am of you and the way you have put little Reagan in God's hands. Know that we are praying for you and Reagan. It was so good to see her again tonight.
I probably won't be in tomorrow because I think I get to baby sit my other 2 Grandchildren so their parents can come in to visit. How blessed I am for the family God has given to Connie and me.
Thanks to all that are praying. We are feeling your prayers.
Proud Dad & Papa.
Thanks to all that are praying

Anonymous said...

Happy 2 week birthday, Reagan!!! I cannot get over just how tiny you are, yet sooooo perfect at the same time! I was so happy to meet you baby girl!!! Robert and Amy, you two still amaze me! Please know that we are still praying for you and Reagan everyday. We love you!

Love, Matt and Judith

Tina Bartlett said...

Robert & Amy, We are praying everyday for Baby Reagan, even Savannah wanted to pray for her this morning before school. She continually asks God to make Reagan's lungs bigger so she can get well. We all are praying for strength and will continue to keep you all in our daily prayers.


Unknown said...

We are praying for you all! Hold on to God's love and he will see you through each day!


The Jarrett's

Deb said...

Robert and Amy we are continuing to pray for you and Reagan. May your strength be renewed for what comes your way. Your faith in how God is leading is so encouraging to read. I wanted to share something that was reinforced with me this past Monday when I was having my devotions. With being the caregiver for my mother and with her declining health over the past two weeks, I was reminded that God did not promise us smooth sailing, but He sure did promise to be in the boat with us. I trust this will encourage you as it has me.
Love and Prayers, Deb (Bob too)

Karen Parrish said...

Happy Two Week Birthday, Reagan! Robert & Amy, you all are such an encouragement to me. I can hear the honesty in your words, and I know God will honor your requests! He is bigger than we can ever imagine! You all are in our prayers! Hang in there!
Karen & Robin Parrish and Evan, too!

Unknown said...

Hello Winslow family! It has been odd not to see you all now for a few days because I have had to stay home due to family members being sick, and we can't chance passing anything on to you all. I am praying for you all everyday, and Robert thanks for the specific requests you keep us updated with to help us all to pray better.

I have a very interesting perspective since my baby (still in utero) is almost the same gestational age as Reagan. Every time she moves (which is a lot)it reminds me of Reagan and helps me remember to pray for her.

Reagan, Happy 2 Week Birthday and I can't wait until you are big enought to eat some real cake!! I pray for your heart, lungs, and development every day.

Robert, through all our "baby" conversations, who knew the plan God had for your precious little girl. He gives us strength for everthing that comes our way, and I thought of you again in S.S. class this past Sunday as we learned again about the ultimate plan God has for every one of us!!

Amy, you are of course just as amazing of a parent I always knew you would be. Your parenting has already been tested beyond what most have to go through. I am praying for your strength, peaceful rest, faith in our heavenly Father, and that our little girls (with Addison) will be blessed with the friendship we have all been blessed with!!

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Just a note to let you know we are praying for you all.

Here at school your name is mentioned often and there are a lot of prayers going up for alllll of you involved.

Carl and Sara

The Knipps said...

I am so sorry you guys have to deal with this sutuation. You know if we could all split up your burden and help you carry it, we would do it in a heartbeat. I will pray for Reagan to keep gaining strength and for God to help her through all of these hurdles. I will also pray for her mommy and daddy to find another burst of strength and energy. We love and care for you more than you know!!

Tanya said...

I am not sure what to say. I will pray that God holds you and yours in his hands untill all is well. I have thinking of you alot and even been listin to gospel more. During this whole ordeal I keep thinking of the song The Ankor Holds and I know you both have your faith.
I got a text today that if I had your cell I would send but since I dont I will just tell ya .

God told me to tell you that everything you are going thru he has already taken care of. If you truly beleive pass this on.

I feel that prayer has helped so far, and so you know Joni posted a bullitin on my space to be set round the world , about Baby Reagan. The more who know the more who pray and get her better day by day.

Love Always Tanya Mcnease

Anonymous said...

Amy, Robert, and Reagan,
I've missed seeing you all over the last several days, and I feel even more helpless since I haven't been able to come up and lend my support in person. However, I'm realizing more and more that God works in mysterious ways that are beyond our understanding. I have had more time at home over the last several days during my and Lexi's illness to lift you all in prayer. I've been praying so much for Reagan, but am so frequently brought back to prayer for her parents. Robert and Amy, you both have been such an inspiration to me throughout these last two weeks and I believe that God is working a miracle not only in Baby Reagan's body but also in you two. A verse that has always been a favorite of mine is one that I continually claim on Amy's behalf regarding your difficult dreams and also on Robert's behalf in your struggle with the unknown. Isaiah 41:10
"Fear thou not for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yea I will help you, yea I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness."
This promise doesn't last for just one day, but it lasts for all time. His strength, help, and ever present hands holding you up are everlasting. What a comfort it is to experience His strength all the while encompassed with more love than you can comprehend.
I love you all so much, and will continue to pray for these specific prayer requests that you've listed. God is able, and He wants to do more abundantly that we can ask or think.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Dearest Robert, Amy, & Precious Baby Reagan:

I've missed seeing and talking to you all in person SO much the past couple days, due to the "bug" that's been bitin' so many in our family(s). [Sure don't want to "carry" anything bad to baby, and I've reluctantly agreed with you .. 'better stay away.'].

Nonetheless, I just wanted you to know that the prayer times have been more personally powerful & precious (at least to me), than ever. God has simply been SO VERY real & close in reassurance that HE has EVERYTHING SO COMPLETELY under His control.

I'd gotten a bit behind on the blog, so took a couple hours yesterday to "spend some time with you" that way - and go over all of your entries and pictures, and most of the posts of family & friends. (NOT a good idea to spend THAT long -- if one wishes to keep eyes dry enough to read, and heart calm enough to focus)! GOODNESS!! :-)

However, it was an unspeakably WONDERFUL time with our Father in Heaven Who loves you 3 more than you can comprehend, and Who is holding the 3 of you SO close to His Divine heart. {I just don't remember Him being so absolutely NEAR and REASSURING to me for awhile}. Ohhh, how MUCH He LOVES your wonderful little family.

Note to others: If you need a special touch from "Father" -- spend a little time on this site talking to Him about Reagan, Amy, & Robert. :-)

I know you all remember that Marilyn has surgery tomorrow, so I don't know that I'll get to see you in person -- [+ maybe it's best to give the "bug" one more day, anyhow]. Of course, you know to call me, ANY time you need or want me.

I just can't express to you how much I LOVE you 3, and I can't wait to see you all - again.

Pastor Dan

Anonymous said...

The Verse Danelle just quoted ""Fear thou not for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yea I will help you, yea I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." has been a real inspiration to me many times. I sit and weep as I read this promise again and I claim it just now as I know God somehow through all this does Strengenth and helps us and upholds us in the right hand of His righteousness. So glad Reagan had a better day today. It is so hard to sit by her side and watch her Oxygen saturations drop and see the nurses try to get air and oxygen in her lungs and all the lights and whistles go off and you realize God is her only hope and somehow He just comes to your side in the midst of all that and let's you know He cares and is in control all glory to HIM!!! Hang in there guys the prayer support you have is so AWESOME!!!! God is SO GOOD He's so good to me and He answers prayer! What POWER and STRENGTH we can find in HIM a VERY PRESENT HELP in the time of TROUBLE! Hallelujah....What a SAVIOUR!!!!

SteveandRebecca said...

Robert & Amy,
Sleep has escaped once again, and as I lift you to our Heavenly Father, words from a book that I am currently reading - "Facing Your Giants" - come to mind. Lucado states that if we "focus on giants - you stumble. Focus on God - your giants tumble."

This giant that you are facing is so very painful for parents to face. Yet, Amy and Robert, you are beautifully responding to what Lucado refers to as the "but God" moment in your life by trusting God and following that "but God" with a "yet God."
I believe that it is in times such as these that we find our true selves - our identity in HIM - which in turn gives us the courage to

We love you both so much, and although we have not seen Baby Reagan yet, we love her more than we could have ever dreamed possible from many miles away.
Our love to Nana and Papa too!

Praying fervently,
Aunt Rebecca

Judith and Lance said...

Hey Amy, I am praying for your family and for little Reagan. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

We prayed for Reagan last night in Kid's Klub. The children were quite concerned and offered up some heartfelt petitions.
"Now to Him Who is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare]ask or think....." Eph. 3:20 (AMP.)

We love ya'll and will continue to pray.
Dorothy Klass
Sanford First Wesleyan

Nina Rose said...

Dear Amy,Robert,& Little Reagan,
Happy Birthday Reagan.You are such a strong little girl.I cannot express how that I believe with all my heart,God is right there beside Reagan all the time helping her with every difficulty that she has been facing. I have prayed that God would be her Healer, and He is being just that. Amy and Robert, I pray that God would give you strength beyond measure!I have had a song that keeps going over in my mind and the title is "Praise Him in the Storm". I have seen from day one,that both of you have been so encouraging and thankful to God even when it seems SO difficult to do. I have been trying to thank God every time I pray for what He has already done and what He is going to do. I am not going to come visit for a while because I do not want to spread any bad germs I might be carrying. Just know that I love you dearly and am praying continuously!!!God is so Faithful!Praise His holy name!!!

Anonymous said...

I made a copy of your prayer request and I will keep them in my purse and by my bed at night so I can remember to pray for ya'll often. It seems that God is really keeping you in His peace! I hope the "care package" cheered you up a little! Timmy laughed at me for sending all the snacks, but hey, everyone likes junk food! We can't wait to see you all again at church!
Kimmy and Timmy LeBeau

Lori Welch said...

We are so blessed by your soft hearts and continued faith. We are believing with you for healing and strength for all of you. We love you....

Mark and Lori Welch