Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Seven Weeks Old

Wow can you believe it's been seven weeks already! Reagan has come a long way in 7 weeks. I am amazed and very thankful for how well she has done. Like all mommy's I worry when Reagan has a bad day but in the life of a preemie her bad days have really not been so bad. She continues to alternate between CPAP and Nasal Cannula as you will see in the pictures. We are trying 6 hours CPAP and 6 hours on NC. She has yet to make it all 6 hours but she is in the middle of it now. Please pray that her lungs will continue to strengthen and her brain will remind her to breathe. She forgets this small detail at times and sends mommy and daddy into a panic. I think she panicked Aunt Holly last night. (Sorry aunt Holly!) Reagan is at her max on feeds so we will start condensing her feeds soon. This means we will stop feeding her hourly and give her more over a couple hours then a break to digest. Hopefully, she will tolerate this well without refluxing, another prayer request. If she tolerates condensing feeds we will be able to bottle feed soon. We have added more calories to her milk so pray this helps her to start gaining weight. She does not have any IV's anymore, YEA, and her blood work all looks great, another YEA!!! Reagan seems to be more relaxed and breathing easily on her own. It is so nice to see her start to progress in the right direction. We have crossed many hurdles and hopefully will be on the home stretch now. We continue to trust God to protect our little girl. I know He has big plans for her life and He's not through working on her yet. I think of the words of song "He's the potter and we are the clay", He's molding our lives and Reagans into what He wants us to be and He's not finished yet!
As always thanks for all your prayers, hugs, notes etc... We love you all!
Amy, Robert and Princess Reagan

"Hi everybody! See me on my big girl nasal cannula!"

"I'm a big girl now! 2 pounds 3 ounce and 14 1/4 inches long"

I get mad when I loose my pacifier so my nurse straps it on. (Guess whose temper I have!)

Step One: "Watch what I can do!"

Step Two: Reagan practices her yoga moves

Step three: "You big kids have nothing on me. I can roll over at 7 weeks"


Unknown said...

How precious! She is beautiful. Again thanks for sharing, and know we are praying you on! What an answer to prayers to see all of your growth! Thanks for being such blessings.

Anonymous said...

Way to go God & Reagan!!
It was so good to see Reagan last night without all the extras on her. I was able to see mommy holding her. I just can't wait to hold her. Connie and I said that we will fight over who gets to hold her first. We thought that we will probably get kicked out of the hospital for 3 days for fighting. I will let Connie hold her first. (I was able to babysit Molly Ann first though). How absolutely blessed we are with 4 grand children.
Amy, thanks for the pictures they are adorable.
Amy and Robert you are a great encouragement to me. Also we appreciate all the comments that are posted.
One thankful papa,

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!!! I remember when we first saw those clothes and wondered if she would outgrow them before she was allowed to wear them and they look great on her with room to spare. I can't wait to see the doll clothes from Nana :-)
Amy, your post reminded me of the song we used to sing so frequently as kids--
"There really ought to be a sign upon my heart, Don't judge me yet, there's an unfinished part. But I'll be perfect just according to His plan fashioned by the Master's loving hand.

He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the moon and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and faithful He must be. He's still working on me.

He started work on me when I was just a babe. E'en before the cradle in which I was laid. And He'll continue on till perfect I will be to live with Him for all eternity."
He's still working on all of us including Miss Reagan, and He's doing a perfect work in her body right now.
I love you guys and can't wait to see you very soon.

Pastor Dan said...

Dearest Winslows:

So nice to keep up with Reagan on the blog. It doesn't seem right to be "away" from you all. I sure do miss seeing Baby Reagan (& Mommy & Daddy, also! :-) This morning I awoke with the words of "Reagan's Song" going over & over in my mind. What a great reminder that God is so definitely our "Hideaway!" I sure love you all, and am praying. Look forward to seeing you all, soon!

Lots of love,
Pastor Dan

Unknown said...

Dear Amy,
I just want you to know that I check your blog every day, sometimes more than once. Just wanted you to know that although I may not comment, like probably many others, I'm here pulling and praying for you guys.
Love you much,
Sis. D.

The Knipps said...

Whoa! Who is this big girl? WOW!! She has changed so much! I am amazed. I can't wait to get back up there and see her in person. Wow guys! She is just a doll! :) The rolling pver pictures are just hilarious! She is sooooo going to be a spunky one! :)

We will pray for her new requests! We always pray for you 2 as well! You are missed and loved!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. She is so beautiful it is amazing how much she is growing and changing. We are going out of town for a few days so I will be looking forward to see how much growing she does while we are gone. We will continue to keep you all in pray while we are gone. Take care talk to you soon

The Goins

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous. He is really getting her closer to good health and we'll continue to pray for little Reagan to get stronger and have her sitting in Church that first Sunday with us as we all ooh and ahh at her cute self!! 7 weeks really has flown by. We are thinking of you all everyday and continue praying always!! Love Melissa and Serenity

Holly said...

I was SO HAPPY to see you all the other night - it had been so long! It was so wonderful to see how Reagan is growing and it was so neat to see her in her mommy’s arms! I cannot wait until I can hold her too! She’s just so cute – it was hard not to touch her then! Your right, she did have me in a bit of a panic – but now I understand just that tiny bit much better what it’s been like for you all every day! I am so very impressed at how wonderfully you all are handling it all, and I just see the light of the Lord shining through you guys all the time and I know your touching lives of many people around you and even some you don’t know!
I will defiantly continue to be in prayer for Reagan to grow strong and continue to do well! We’re here if you need anything!

Love you all so much!
Aunt Holly