Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reagan, Mommy, and Daddy Could Use Some Extra Prayers

Dear Friends,
This will be one of the shorter blog entries that I have written just because I don't have time to write a long one right now. Amy plans to write and explain more later. Reagan has had somewhat of a rough day today as have Amy and I. It is good to see her progressing but gets hard when she has setbacks. Today we found out that her PDA is moderate again and she will probably require surgery at some point in the near future if it doesn't re-close. Her white blood cell count and another test came out high today which indicates some sort of infection, which, Amy says, is very common. They will not be able to do surgery to close her PDA until they know that the infection is gone. The PDA could have opened due to the infection and may close again on it's own after the infection is gone. This process is at times wearisome, but our hope is in God! Our faith does not move! We stand on a Firm Foundation and a Solid Rock! God is our Refuge and Strength! Thanks for your prayers, letters, care packages and encouragement. I'm sorry that you have not received letters of thanks personally yet, but know that we are grateful.

Dear God,
Thanks for all that you have done in so many hearts and lives through this process. I ask that you would reach down and touch Reagan's little body right now and help the infection to leave her body. I also ask that you would help her PDA to close again so that she doesn't have to have surgery. Thank you for loving Amy, Reagan, and me and for blessing us with your love! We love you and put Reagan in your awesome healing hands right now and ask that you would heal her precious body! Please allow us to be a blessing to others during this and help hearts and lives to be changed for eternity. We thank you for allowing circumstances that draw us close to you and thank you for helping us.


Robert and Amy


Sandra said...

I pray that God will continue to bless Reagan and give her body extra healing. I also will pray for her family.Know that God is with you daily.

Meme said...

In all you do and say, the two of you are wonderful examples to us of Phillipians 4:4-9. Thank you! We are praying for Reagan's infection to clear, for the pda to close and for you to get the rest you need. Most of all we pray that both of you will continue to experience "the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension." NASB (www.lockman.org)
We love you. Mom and Dad

Nina Rose said...

I am praying that God will touch Little Reagan once again.There is nothing that is too BIG for Him to do. I pray that He will heal her right now!God's power is unfathomable!I love you all very much and just believe that God's greatness is going to continue to be shown through Reagan's lfe!

The Knipps said...

We will pray that the infection leaves her body and that the PDA will close on its own. I have no doubt that God is right there with Reagan and is keeping her safe.

We will also pray that God keeps his arms around you both through all of this. I know the rollercoaster has to be exhausting. You both are doing so well and are such an inspiration. Hang in there and keep going strong! We love you guys and we are here if there is anything we can do!

Karen Parrish said...

We are standing with you in prayer today! Amen!
Karen, Robin & Evan Parrish

Unknown said...

On my way to see you yesterday, the song kept going through my mind..."He's got the whole world in His hands...He's got the tiny little babies in His hands..." Since I know your mom has been singing this since she was a little girl, I am sure you will know it in no time.

Love to you all, and many prayers every day!!

SteveandRebecca said...

We received a phone call yesterday “out of the blue” from Focus on the Family, asking if there is anything in particular the staff of Focus can partner with our family in praying about. Baby Reagan immediately came to mind, so she is now being brought before our Heavenly Father by the prayer team at Focus!
Later in the day, while contemplating Abba Father's amazing interest in our needs, the thought once again flitted through my consciousness - this came "out of the blue” - but the thought was quickly overlaid with the reality - that this came "out of the blue Heavens!”
Be encouraged! It is during our weakest moments that He delights in showing His passionate love.
Aunt Rebecca

Tina Bartlett said...

You all are in our prayers daily. We continue to prayer for strength for that precious one.

Dear Lord, I pray that you would touch Little Reagan in a special way. I pray you will heal her from this infection and will let her body receive whatever treatment to make her healthy and strong. We know you love her very much and have a plan for her life. She has already made a impact on so many people, we thank you for that and may You richly bless her and her family. I ask that you continue to give them your Peace, I also ask that you give them Rest, and continue to Strengthen them all. Thank you for the faith that you have given Robert and Amy. And thank you for being the Almighty & Faithful God. In Jesus Name I ask all these things, Amen

Anonymous said...

We are parying for you all everyday. We will lift up extra special prayers for little Reagan's Infection and little heart. We will also lift you both up with a little extra love. May you know that we are here to help you carry this load. God is standing by with his arms around you all.

The Goins

LifeAfterSchoolBlues said...

I don't know you, but the picture of your daughter is beautiful. Reagan, you, and the rest of your family are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi..You do not know me but I am Dana..I have a beautiful Happy and Healthy 2 1/2 year old who was born at 25 weeks and weighed 15 oz..She was born right before Hurricane Katrina and had a rough start..She was in NICU for 4 months and through those 4 months we had ups and downs..infections and illness's and so many middle of the night scares asking us to hurry because she was not doing well.

Well we prayed and fought and she is great!

It is so hard..I know..and it is scary and frustrating and sometimes you do not know what to doi but just keep praying and fighting.

God works wonders and there is so much they can do these days for these tiny miracles.

I have faith for you baby girl and am sending prayers and My Maggie's Guardian Angels to be with your beautiful baby..:)

If you have any questions and would like to talk..feel free to email me.
I will love to give you any answers or hope that you may need..I have been through this and know how it is.

God Bless you all


chichinana said...

My grandson Andrew was born just before he was 24 weeks and having been with amniotic fluid for the previous 10 days. He has survived heart surgery , eye surgery and a brain bleed. He is now 4 1/2 and doing great and we are amazed and awed at his every day. Miracles do indeed happen. I am so pleased with Reagan's progress and know that she toois a miracle and I am praying for her and sending blessings and more to all of you, I know my daughter in fla would love to chat with you if you want. She is precious.C