Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Extra Prayer Request

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for praying for Reagan! We are so thankful for her progress and we give God all glory for His gracious help for her. I have a tremendous peace that God will bring Reagan home to us safely! I will keep this short...I could really use some extra prayers over the next few days and weeks. I'm not sure what is going on in my mind but I have been very easily distracted lately and need the ability to focus on several different things that I would like to accomplish within the next few months as well as be available for my daughter and wife. Pray for sharpened focus and a clear mind for me if you will! I love and appreciate you all!



Anonymous said...

I have already been and will continue praying for your mental and emotional strength. Sometimes, we don't realize the stress we're under until we really try to focus and concentrate on work, family, school or whatever else may be requiring our attention. Our God is not only the Great Physician to our bodies but also our minds. I'm certainly praying for you all even though my work keeps me away from Amy and Reagan a little more now. As always, let me know if there's anything I can do to help in any way.
I love you all,

Unknown said...

Robert, you and Amy have been a tremendous source of encouragement to me even though you all are the one's facing a seemingly impossible circumstance. I'm glad we serve a God of miracles. This evening in particular I am so heavily reminded of the miracle of life and the responsibility God has given each one of us, not only with our own lives, but also in influencing and impacting others. Parenting certainly is the primary example of this. Interacting every day with the population of students that I work with is a constant reminder of the unparalleled importance of familial love. I had a student today, sitting in my classroom crying and talking to me because "my mother doesn't love me and I feel like it's my responsibility to raise my siblings." After so many conversations and experiences like this I start to feel like I live in a hopeless society and nothing I do or say is going to help or change anything. Then God inevitably sends something or someone my way to lift me back up, plant my feet back on the solid rock and remind me that my efforts are not in vain. Today you were that person and I appreciate it.

Much love,


The Knipps said...

We sent some prayers up for you Robert! You have quite a weight on your shoulders right now so go easy on yourself!

Unknown said...

I will continue praying for you, but add upon those prayers to have God give you the extra strength (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually), focus, faith, peace, and encouragement you are in need of every day!!

I will continue to pray for your strength as you deal with the stress of being a new mom in addition to the anxiety of being back to work with your baby in the hospital.

I am praying that every system of your little body continues to grow, develop, and shape into the beautiful person you will become!

Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for us.

Much love to you all!!