Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prayers for Reagan, Amy, and Dad

Dear Friends,
Thanks for everything once again. I know Amy updated early today, but I just felt the need to share some specific prayer here goes...

Reagan: Reagan has had a good day today, but tonight they had to increase her pressures on CPAP to help her out a bit as she seemed to be working really hard to breathe. She had a bit of swelling in her nose (I think) that they gave her medicine for so hopefully that will take care of the problem. It could be that she is just tired out from all the scooting around and fighting she has been doing as well. So, the prayer request is for STRENGTH FOR REAGAN'S BODY - SPECIFICALLY HER LUNGS.

Mommy: Mommy is getting emotionally drained from the roller coaster ride. I think that deep down she knows that Reagan is doing quite well, she is just tired. Amy is usually pretty cheery to be around, but she feels like she is losing some of that cheer so pray that she will feel encouraged throughout this process. I think that she really gets her hopes up that Reagan will not have any more problems, and when something small arises, it is just hard on her (the possibility exists that it would be much harder on me if I knew what she knows about premature babies). She will be going back to work this weekend as well and that is a new element that we have not experienced yet. Pray for 1. PHYSICAL STRENGTH FOR AMY. 2. EMOTIONAL STRENGTH FOR AMY 3. ABILITY TO FOCUS ON THE NEEDS OF HER PATIENTS AT WORK 4. ENCOURAGEMENT FOR AMY.

Daddy: Well, Daddy is calm (yeah right), cool (ha ha ha), and somewhat collected (notice I said somewhat). Overall I am doing good. It has been interesting to me how God has taken extremely stressful circumstances and given me the greatest peace that I have ever experienced in my life. Suddenly, everything seems to be in perspective. Yes, I do still have concerns and stress that I have to deal with at times, but the Lord has been especially good to me and I am grateful to Him! As long as the two ladies in my life are having good days, then I usually have good days, so pray extra for them! You can just pray for some unspoken requests for me.

I love you all dearly and appreciate your faithfulness to pray and to encourage us!!!



Holly said...

I cannot imagine how you feel! The ups and downs are enough to stress out anyone! I think you all have done a great job of turning to the Lord for strength and I would encourage you to keep doing that because there are tons of people who love you praying for you!
I truly wish there was more I could do, and it's been forever since I've seen you all, but I haven't stopped praying... I haven't even taken a break from it! The Lord knows and he loves you SO VERY MUCH! He knows Amy's worried and stressed and He knows that Reagan needs to grow, grow, grow and that Rob needs continued peace to be able to help his ladies! So He will provide that! He loving supplies all our needs!
I’ll be praying for these specific requests and I’m sending loves and hugs to all!
Tell Reagan Aunt Holly misses her!

Love you guys so much!

Aunt Holly

Unknown said...

Hello Winslows!!
I am praying for each of you today and trusting that God will do great and mighty things that none of us can even imagine!

Love to all 3 of you!

Anonymous said...

I so sorry that I can't do more to help, but I do know that the very powerful Creator of the Universe is holding you 3 in His hands every moment of every day. I continue to hear the lyrics of "Reagan's Song" dedicated to your family over and over in my head--
"The arms of God are open, waiting
Everlasting, loving, saving"
He really is our hideaway even in the most difficult time of our lives.
I love you all so much, and just wish I could do more to help. Amy, you know I'd be going back to work for you if I could, giving you my own emotional and physical strength if I could, taking your hurt upon myself if I could, or helping in any other way if I could. But I guess I have to cast all my (and your) cares upon Him for he careth for us. This is quite possible the hardest lesson for me (being the control freak that I am).
I love you all so much and am praying without ceasing,

The Knipps said...

We love you guys and pray everyday! I hope time passes quickly and smoothly and you are at home with Little Miss Reagan soon! We hate not seeing you guys!

Get some more pudge on that body baby girl!! You need something for us to pinch when you come home! :) :) :)

Wes and Bethany Adams said...

Hey Robert and Amy, it's Wes Adams (maggie's dad) I just wanted to let you know that we are still praying for you and I know that things will be getting better soon. Faith is such an awesome thing. I have createda blog now too and linked yours on my page, so if you want come check mine out when you get a chance!

Luke Oates said...

I just met the parents and grandparents tonight at the hospital because my friend Chris's son was admitted due to complications at birth and I just wanted to let you know that my family and my church will be praying for your daughter and for your family. I pray that God gives you the strength that you need and that Reagan will get to come home very soon.
best wishes
Luke Oates

Unknown said...

I want you to know that there are extra prayers going up for you this weekend as you go back to work!! I know it is not easy, and I am praying for your physical and emotional strength throughout this weekend.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Today Little Lilly, age 4, was at church, happy, normal and full of life. She was born at 23 Weeks and had many complications. however, she is like any other child 4 years old. She has such a sweet personality. If she was able to meet you, she would tell you to keep your chin up, that thru prayer everything will be OK.
We love you and are praying for you.
Charles & Janet

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert and Amy. Just want you guys to know that we haven't forgotten you. We just want you know that you've been in our thoughts and prayers. We pray that Reagan will soon be well and that each day is a greater blessing than the day before. It was a real pleasure to meet you and even have a few laughs through the stress of the days. God bless you all! I know He will see you through.

In Christian love,
Wyatt and Jane Hoogkamp

Nina Rose said...

I am praying for you Amy that God will give you strength!I am also praying that you can feel enouraged and loved!!
Nina Rose