Dear Friends and Family,
Here is a quick update on Reagan's condition. My non medical friends will have to excuse the medical lingo. Yesterday, the plan was to extubate (take off the vent) Reagan after her morning labs and gas. I think Reagan heard about this plan and decided to play a game with us. Her morning gas was bad with co2 in the 80's. Her CBC and CRP showed elevations indicating an infection. They quickly did blood culture from her PCVC, urine culture, and tracheal aspirate. Within 24 hours her blood and tracheal cultures were growing staphylococcus aureus which we are treating with Gentamycin and vancomycin. They pulled out her PCVC due to the infection. She had a lumbar puncture this morning to rule out meningitis. We are still waiting on these results. Hopefully we started treating the infection early and will not have any complications. Needless to say Reagan did not get extubated and went up on her vent settings. She was at a rate of 35 20/6 with support of 7. This mornings gas was much better and we are at a rate of 33 19/5. She is 25%-35% on her FIO2. Her PDA is moderate again so they reduced her feeds to 0.4mls/hour. We will talk about surgery if her PDA is still moderate after the infection is gone. Please continue to pray for Reagan. She has lost some of her spunk and you can tell she just doesn't feel well.
On a positive note Reagan now weighs 1 pound 14 ounces and is 13 3/4 inches long. She gained 8 ounces and 1 3/4 inches in one month. Way to go Reagan. She loves to suck her thumb as you see in the picture and is a big fan of sucrose. The sugar addiction starts early.
Grow Reagan Grow!!!!!!
She is absolutely beautiful. We are continuing to pray for her, and yes as one of your non-medical friends that was interpreted as well as Japanese. LOL. I pray that you all have a good night and get plenty of rest. You are all in our prayers daily.
Much Love,
Reagan looks absolutely gorgeous. She is growing so much.
We are praying for you and know all things are possible in God and know he is in control.
We love you
way to go Reagan... keep growing!
Prayer is a marvelous, beautiful thing... sending some Reagan's way, and some for you!
Reagan, what a strong little spirit you are! You have a reason for being on Earth.
Mom and Dad, I'm thinking of you. You have a precious gift here and she looks determined to grow and love you more.
What a cutie! My son was 3 lbs. at birth and I remember the back and forth of extubation and intubation, and the not knowing how things would progress from one day to the next. I am thinking of you and your family. BTW, my son is a healthy 11 year old. Keep up the good work! Love that little love.
Wishing baby Reagan family much love and good health. May she continue to grow stronger with each day.
I have prayed continuously for God's will in Reagan's life. She is absolutely beautiful! I have asked God to heal her body, restore her vitality, and if it would be his will to cast the sickness into the pit, or to even let an intercessor tkae on he infimities so that she might experience healing and be able to grow without duress. Know that we stand alongside you in daily prayer, and if there is anythign more we can do just have Robert call Jamie. God bless, and much love to you all the Joneses
Reagan you look so cute. Thumb sucking babies are the sweetest. Did not get all the medical stuff but God understands it all. We are praying for you all.
The Goins
And so the roller coaster continues . . I have followed Reagan's progress closely by visiting your blogspot. It sounds like Reagan has read the "Preemie Handbook" and is doing all of the typical preemie things! As she has setbacks, try to remember the encouragement that you have given your own parents of preemies in the NICU--the roller coaster ride will even out with time--hang in there! Reagan is one month old and has beaten the odds in so many areas of her development! She continues to prove that she has the same quiet spunkiness as her momma! The infection and the PDA are problems that can be taken care of. Remember that your FMC NICU family continues to love and support you! There is not a day that goes by that someone does not ask how Amy and Reagan are doing! We are all praying for you!
Take care,
Melissa Price
P.S. I love the photo of Reagan sucking her thumb with ET tube and feeding tube in place!
I just does not seem like it could be one month already. Wow!!
I hate to hear she had a bad day! I know that translates to a bad day for mommy and daddy too. I wish I could get up there and hug! :(
Please know that you are all still very much in our thoughts and prayers.
Isn't she adorable!
Reagan you are such a BEAUTIFUL baby girl! Daddy will have fun running off all the boys!!!
Thanks for sharing your story. Your little baby reminds me that life is the greatest gift of all and that everything else is just a distraction. I hope she continues to grow stronger and I know she can feel your love.
God bless your little one...she will be in my prayers.
What a beautiful little girl... I'm so sorry she's having such a hard time, and for the agonies you must be going through as parents. You will all be in my prayers... she looks like a fighter!
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