Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Special Request

Dear Friends,
Please be praying for a special unspoken that does not involve Reagan. God knows the need and we will fill you in soon. Thanks for praying!

Robert and Amy


Anonymous said...

sending good thoughts your way!! Reagan looks like she is going in the right direction. As a parent who had a child in NICU, I know how emotionally tough it can be, you are both doing a fantastic job!!! It looks like she is coming on in leaps and bounds, which is wonderful. Take care.


Anonymous said...

I saw the clip on the news and just wanted to write and tell you that you were one of my daughters nurses in the NICU when she was there several months ago. She also was born at 24 weeks. I don't know if you would remember her, Bailey Parks. My prayers go out to you and your family. She looks precious.

Valerie said...


Anonymous said... name is Amber Farrar. I had a baby last August at 26 weeks. I had eclampsia and we had to deliver him early, i was just wondering Amy, did you have that as well?? i know what a roller coaster you and your husband are on right now...good days then bad days...I am praying for all three of you...please email me at to let me know what happend if you don't mind...I am really interested..

Luke, Avery, Monroe's Nanny said...

What an awesome God we serve!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for your testimonies and what He is doing in your little family. God is so good and He is so faithful to meet our every need isn't He? You continue to be in my prayers. God Bless~ Suzanne H.

Holly said...

You can be sure I'll be praying! Please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do for you guys!

Also, I wanted to tell you that Luke is TOTALLY into the news clip! We of course recorded it on the TiVO and he has asked to watch it like 10 times today! I think he's totally in love with his new baby girl cousin!

I'm also so proud of you all! What a neat opportunity you all had to share the love of Christ with such a wide audience! I know you've already been doing that with everyone you come in contact with at the hospital! I just know that the Lord is going to continue to bless you guys and change the lives of those around you!

Love you guys so much!

Terri Payne said...

Dear Robert & Amy,

What a tremendous ministry your family of 3 has already! I am so proud of you and you can be sure I'm praying for you, whatever the needs are.

With much love,


Unknown said...

I saw your clip on TV and just had to write. I totally understand what you are going through. 2yrs ago I gave birth to a 24 wker also a baby girl. We too were at Brenner's. I know that you all are in great hands there. And I too believe God can bring you through ANYTHING! I am blessed enough to have a completely normal 2 yr old! I pray that you have the same out come. PS tell Nurse Tammy Cardwell... "Addie Green-bean's" mommie said HI.

We will keep you all in our prayers
Greene family of Ramseur, NC

You can ck out Addie's blog too...

Nina Rose said...

Dear Amy, Robert, and Reagan,
I am praying for the special unspoken, but I am also praying for you all!Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you often and know that God is continuing to answer prayer!
Love you,
Nina Rose

Patrick and Cathy said...

Thank you for laying your burdens down before the Lord and the body of Christ so that we can carry you through during this time.... Casting your cares upon Him because He cares for you!
Robert and Amy, you are in our thoughts, prayers and mighty decrees. All is well.
He knows, so know that He knows. You are His beloved. The apple of His eye. All His thoughts are Precious toward you. All His thoughts are Powerful toward you. All His thoughts are Life toward you. Relish in His thoughts and know that all is well.

We love you.

Patrick and Cathy