Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reagans Slide Show

Here is a video that my brother made of Reagan's miraculous life. I hope you all enjoy it and realize we serve a God of miracles!

Reagan visited the special care clinic and scored wonderfully on all her developmental scores! She now weighs 15 pounds and 11 ounces. She is 25.5 inches long. She continues to change daily. We now have our first tooth and she can say "Dada". Robert is very pleased to say the least!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful new year and I will update soon with more pictures!


Meme said...

This is a beautiful re-cap of the past 11 months. (Thanks, Steve!)For me, it is a trip through the memories of those first four months and how thankful I am for everyone who prayed for her. Reagan’s life is a miracle that constantly reminds us not to take life for granted...Thanks be to God!

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Thank you, Uncle Steve! You did an awesome job! It is so hard to believe looking back now. Which is probably a good thing. It makes it easy to forget though and I don't ever want to forget the miracles that were worked for Reagan. God did so MANY miracles for Reagan! Amy, remember I still get first dibs on feeding her a poptart! :)

Valerie said...

Wow, that was such an awesome video! It is such an awesome reminder of all the miracles God did in her life. She is such a precious little girl! I love the video of her saying dada, that was so sweet!!
God bless your family!

krisanddrew said...

Beautiful video of Reagan's life. Robert and Amy you have a wonderful little girl

Ana - said...

Hi, my name is Ana, i'm from Portugal, and i'm a mother of a premature baby, named João who was borned with 32 weeks and 1 kg.
Congratulations, Reagans is a beautiful girl!!!! A fighter!!!
I have a site , who help parents of this precious miracles!
Received a big hug from this part of the world!!!

Maresa said...

I really enjoyed this video of your precious little miracle. Thanks for sharing. She is precious!!

Karen Parrish said...

This is just precious! There were some photos that just made me laugh out loud. She has such a sweet personality, and that comes through in the photos! It is so exciting to see evidence of God's hand on her life and yours! Thank you for sharing!

Judith and Lance said...

WOW -- this brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet, wonderful testimony to God's healing power. I'm just so amazed at her complete healing and so happy for ya'll. Great job on the video, Steve.

Anonymous said...

As a mommy of a miracle myself that video made me cry..Oh it bought back so many memories.

Miracles do happen when we do believe..

What a blessing youhave...She is truly a beautiful miracle..:)

Anonymous said...

What a great reminder of God's power to work through the "little ones". We are so blessed with this precious miracle of life. Thanks for the awesome job Steve. Love the song and the pictures. The only the end...I'm pretty sure she is saying "Nana" and not "Dada". at least that is the way I hear it :)