Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reagan's One Year Birthday Party

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you to all who came and celebrated Reagan's First birthday. I am so glad we got to share the day with all of you. God has blessed us so much this past year! We not only received a beautiful healthy little girl but God has drawn us closer together with family, friends, and the community. Thanks to each of you who have supported our family through your prayers, thoughts, and kind words. I can never express how much your love has meant to Robert and I this past year. It is hard to believe a year has past since the birth of our 1 pound 5.9 ounce baby girl who now is a whopping 16 pounds. What can I say GOD is GOOD! Thanks again for the part you played in our life!

Much Love,


I was too busy socializing and forgot to take very many pictures of Reagan's party! OOPS! If any of you have some on your cameras I would love to get them from you. Uncle Steve where are you when I need you! Just kidding. We miss you Uncle Steve and hope you are enjoying Korea!

Princess Reagan

The Children's party table. (Sorry Danelle, I just had to post. )

What birthday girl would rather have a bottle than cake? REAGAN Thanks Aunt Holly!

The Following Pictures are were taken on Reagan's real birthday. We had a small celebration at Nana and Papa Millers! They gave Reagan her red wagon which she absolutely loves!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

Thanks for posting the birthday pictures... she looks so much bigger already! I miss her so much :-(... Give her a hug from Uncle Steve!

Love You,


Anonymous said...

What a SWEET baby girl. Nana loves you SO much!! I could just sit and look at you ALL day!!! I am so thankful for the miracle of your little life. You have added so much joy to our lives. GOD is SO good!

Danelle said...

Great pics, except for the lovely one of me--VERY NICE AMY!! We have much to be thankful for!!
Much love,